Permanent Health Plan

Using the latest technology and the most advanced medical team, we provide you with longevity and health.

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Choose health for yourself and your family.

Choosing health is a comprehensive process that involves multiple aspects of life:

1、 In terms of diet.

Choose food in multiple colors. Protein is an important component of body cells. Pay attention to moderate diet and avoid overeating.

2、 In terms of sports.

Aerobic exercise can improve cardiovascular and pulmonary function. It is generally recommended to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise per week.

3、 In terms of mental health.

Learn to recognize your own emotions. Maintain good interpersonal relationships.

4、 In terms of lifestyle habits.

Develop good sleep habits and try to maintain a fixed daily routine. Reduce bad habits. Avoid prolonged sitting.

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